What Remitar is
It is the brand for Dry Mortar products Hanil Cement produces. It is advanced building material created after mixing precisely measured cement, sand and improvement admixture in factory with water using automatic mixer and pump on the construction site.

Secure Nationwide Sales Network
We are the only company to have a nationwide supply network in metropolitan(Inchen, Bucheon), Gangwon(Yeoju), Chungcheong(Gongju), Gyeongsang(Gaya, Haman), Honam/Jeju(Mokpo) area.
Market Leading Company
Hanil Cement developed dry mortar market for the first time in Korea in 1991. we lead to develop Remitar market and expand the base by various investment/development including new product development.
Differentiated Service
We make a great effort to promote customer support by providing patented Silo for blending fixed amount, fixing crack and technology support.