Developed the core of National infra industry
Hanil Cement established in 1961 has developed the core of National infra industry such as Remitar and Cement and Remicon. Hanil Cement will develop as a substantial and solid company that is receiving recognition for social contribution, rather than pursuing external expansion.
Creative challenge for the 100-year company we create happiness for everyone together with environment.

- 2025Year
- 02Month.Awarded for twenty-two consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2024Year
- 11Month.Cement, Remicon, Remitar sector No. 1 Company in 2024 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korean Standards Association)
- 02Month.Awarded for twenty-first consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2023Year
- 10Month.Cement, Remicon, Remitar sector No. 1 Company in 2023 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korean Standards Association)
- 03Month.Awarded for twentieth consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2022Year
- 12Month.2022 Spotlight Awards <2021 Hanil Cement Sustainability Report> Platinum Award (League of American Communications Professionals)
- 10Month.Cement, Remicon, Remitar sector No. 1 Company in 2022 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korean Standards Association)
- 06Month.‘eco-friendly Cement’ sector No. 1 Company in 2022 KS-WEI (Korean Standard Well-being & Environment Index) (Korean Standards Association)
- 05Month.Activated Gimpo Plant
- 03Month.Awarded for nineteen consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2021Year
- 10Month.No. 1 Company in 2021 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 08Month.Brand Of the Year, 2021 'Cement Of the Year' (Customers Council)
- 06Month.No. 1 Company in 2021 KS-WEI (Korean Standard Well-being & Environment Index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 02Month.Awarded for eighteen consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2020Year
- 10Month.No. 1 Company in 2020 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 09Month.Brand Of the Year, 2020 'Cement Of the Year' (Customers Council)
- 04Month.Relocated the headquarters office building (1587, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul)
- 02Month.Awarded for seventeen consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2019Year
- 10Month.No. 1 Company in 2019 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 07Month.Appointment of the CEO, Gun-Sik, Jeon
- 02Month.For 16 consecutive Years, Top in the Most Respected Company in Korea in Cement Industry
- 02Month.Awarded for sixteen consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2018Year
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2018 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 08Month.Hanil Cement installs a 48㎿h Energy Storage System (ESS) at its Danyang Plant
- 08Month.Set up Danyang Plant ESS(Energy Storage System)
- 07Month.Hanil Holdings Officially Opens for Business
- 05Month.Hanil Cement Hosts a Ceremony Announcing the Introduction of Compliance Progra
- 05Month.Introduced Compliance Program
- 02Month.Awarded for fifteen consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea (Korean Management Association)