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Winning grand prize and at Chungcheongbuk-do Quality Management competition

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Hanil Cement Danyang Plant circle named, ‘Blaze’ in Hanil Cement won the grand prize and also, another circle, ‘Sobaek Mountain’ won an excellence award at 'Chungcheongbuk-do Quality Management competition in 2014' from June 18 to 19.

The team ‘Blaze’ made a presentation with the subject of 'Preservation management activity for the establishment of high efficiency equipment system aimed at improvement of overall effectiveness of equipment, as 'Sobaek Mountain' dealt with the equipment enhancement of reduction process to shorten down time.

For 32 different teams from 5 companies participated in this competition and both team had a chance to take part in the National quality circle competition in August held in Inchon.


